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"All of my Eyelash Extensions are falling out!" + "What do I do?"

Imagine getting your Eyelash Extension done... You're in love with them, and feel so confident with them on! However, the next day you apply your normal skin care products on them, and then look down to all your Eyelash Extensions in the palms of your hands... Let's ensure this doesn't happen to you!

Here's how to avoid this problem, or correct it!

You're home, and need to wash the day away, but not sure what you can or cannot use on your Eyelash Extensions. Maybe you forgot everything your Eyelash Artist taught you, or you weren't taught how. You grab your normal skin care, apply it, and then you soon realize "Uh oh!". All your lashes are in your hands after washing with your facial cleanser or Micellar Water. My best advice, Avoid oil. Any, and all oily products on your eye lids, and eyelashes. There are many Eyelash Extensions safe Cleansers out there that this is totally avoidable.

Just because it say's "Oil Free" does not mean it is...

Remember that saying Don't judge a book by it's cover, the same applies for skin care products. The ingredients do not always line up with the marketing on the bottle. Especially with over the counter products. Micellar Water is one of those products. It may say "Oil Free", it is not. Micellar means micelle, which is tiny molecules of glycerin (the oil ingredient) suspended in distilled Water. Give the bottle a shake, you'll see the tiny molecules of oil, free floating and not mixing with the water. Micellar water is great at removing make up AND Eyelash Extensions. ;) Consider it a "Pre Cleanse" if you will, for your skin only, and not the eye area if you have Eyelash Extensions.

What happens when oil gets on my Eyelash Extensions?

Oil moisturizes the eye lash hair shafts, and allows the bonds of adhesive wrapping around your natural eye lashes to slip away. The oil breaks down the bonds of the Eyelash Extensions adhered to your natural lashes. This is why one day as a Lash Artist I received that sad message "All of my Eyelash Extensions are falling out! What do I do?".

What to do you if you've made this mistake?

Contact your Lash Artist right away! I ask all my clients to txt, call, or email me ASAP. Allow me 24 hours to respond, but definitely keep that open communication. Your Lash Artist will be able to trouble shoot with you if it is Micellar Water, another product, or application/technique. Know your Salon's Policies for events like this. You can see our Policies HERE.

What is safe to use on my Eyelash Extensions to prevent this?

When you receive a Full Set with us you will go home with a Complimentary After Care kit that includes an Eyelash Extensions safe cleanser, and Lash Duo Brush. They both can be found in our Boutique HERE. The Lash Cleanser is pH Balanced and wont sting or burn your eyes. It will not cause you to loose your Eyelash Extensions

without your Natural Lashes, and will keep your lash line clean. It is crucial for your eye, and lash health to cleanse them once a day, every day. (Blog coming soon about how to keep your Eyelash Extensions Clean, and Retention High)

Why are my Eyelash Extensions still falling out?

The photo to the right shows what you should expect to happen. Your strong, healthy Natural Lashes will shed with the Eyelash Extensions still attached. Don't worry, this is normal, and to be expected. The average life span of your Natural Lashes are 6-8 weeks. They Grow, Rest, and Shed on a cycle. All your Natural Lashes are growing at different rates. You should be worried or concerned when your Eyelash Extensions are shedding without your Natural Lashes and reach out to your Lash Artist.

Until next time,


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